Truth is a dandelion seed.
A seed arrives. It comes through the wind in unusual ways. It could be in a random conversation while standing in line somewhere. It could be a paragraph in a newspaper. It could be meeting someone new, or visiting somewhere new.
No matter the route in which it gets to you, the seed is planted. Since it seems like an unexpected gift, a pleasant diversion from routine living, the seed is buried, protected, watered, nurtured, and soon, a plant pushes through the soil and grows.
What joy at the discovery. The plan grows and eventually blooms. Its bright yellow flower, contrasted by brilliant verdant stems, is sunshine and warmth in a physical form. It provides nourishment at the sight of it, but also in ingesting it. This truth feels like it is the real thing.
And then, the flower changes shape. Where once there were yellow petals, there is now a round head of prickly white. It has morphed into something untouchable, as the slightest touch breaks it apart, destroying it.
What once was, now is not. It has changed, and in so doing, the true form is revealed. It is not as beautiful as was once believed.
That which was thought to be truth is shown to be something completely different.
With a strong gust of wind, the "truth" is blown away. And one is left with this sad fact: It was not true after all.
What is left? Something that one cannot be rid of. The seed regrows and returns year after year to mock as a reminder of naivete. The more fool oiu for thinking that anything or anyone is who or what they claim to be.
With each gust of wind, the seeds of real truth are planted. And there is the rub.
The truth has always been there. It has just been something the opposite of what was believed.
When first planted, for a short moment, it seems, and sort of is, true, honorable, just pure, lovely and commendable (Philippians 4:9).
The real truth is that. . . there is no such truth on Earth or in people. We may see glimpses, which gives us hope and a vision of things to come, but for now, be cautious in seeking truth. There is only One Source.