Last year, I put together an Advent devotional guide. I used verses from an Advent pamphlet I had acquired, and I added some random acts of kindness to it. The guide was very dissatisfying to me as the verses were random, disjointed, and abbreviated; furthermore, there was no explanation about them. I definitely should have put more thought and effort into it.
Over the past month, I have been researching and re-tooling this year’s guide. I have been thinking and praying about each week’s focus, I have been scouring Scripture, and I have been working to find a meaningful, thematic (you can’t shut the English teacher off) connection between Scripture, music, and action. Scripture is such a gold mine that it hasn’t been a chore. In short, this has been an intense experience, but this guide is a labor of love to my Savior. If you benefit from it too, it’s double blessing.
Advent, in its most simplistic form, means anticipation. First, we remember, celebrate, and as part of that process, anticipate, when Christ was born and experienced what it means to be human. Secondly, we remember, celebrate, and of course, anticipate Christ’s ultimate return. For this reason, I have included two sets of verses for each day in Advent. The first verse traces Christ’s journey to and through birth. The second verse provides direction, encouragement, hope, and action as we anticipate Christ’s return.
For me, music is a very personal way to reinforce God’s promises and lessons. I am not especially proud to admit this, but when I am feeling low or in trouble, a song will come to mind before a verse will. On the plus side, many of the songs, traditional hymn or its contemporary equivalent on KLOVE, are based on Bible verses, so it’s like I get a two-for-one. Due to this, I have also included two songs as part of each day’s lesson. One is (not surprisingly) a Christmas song/hymn, which reinforces the first Advent verse. The second is a traditional or modern hymn, which reinforces the second Advent verse of the day.
Lastly, God’s Word is alive; it is a living and breathing, and so should our response be in reading it. Thus, I have also included an easy (as in, it can be done in a course of a busy day during the Christmas season) and practical way to demonstrate and reinforce the Advent lesson. I plan to write about each day throughout the season. If you want to follow along, great. If you would like to use the guide on your own, I hope it blesses you.
Week 1: Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor
The juxtaposition of the two words, Wonderful Counselor, suggests a confidant and guide whose wisdom and competency is beyond human comprehension. “Wonderful” does not have the Lawrence Welk-type connotation (“wunnerful, wunnerful”). It means “to fill with wonder and awe” because He is beyond our scope of imagination and experience. He is a Wonderful Counselor because He is the ultimate Counselor; He totally gets it. He understands the human experience because He was one of us. Therefore, we can trust Him and His advice because it is credible and true. He provides a light in the fog.
December 1:
B.C (Birth of Christ) Verse 1: John 1: 1-5
A.D (Anticipated Deliverance) Verse 2: Acts 13: 47
Christmas hymn: “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
Hymn for today: “Light Up the Sky” by the Afters
Daily Challenge: Eat lunch with someone new today.
December 2:
B.C Verse 1: Isaiah 9:2-7
A.D Verse 2: Colossians 1:16; I Corinthians 4:5
CH: “What Child is This?”
HFT: “Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee”
Daily Challenge: Praise someone today. Say something nice and encouraging.
December 3:
B.C Verse 1: Isaiah 11: 1-10
A.D Verse 2: Ephesians 6: 10-18
CH: “O Come O Come Immanuel”
HFT: “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective Experiment
Daily Challenge: Bring someone a treat today.
December 4:
B.C Verse 1: Jeremiah 33: 14-16
A.D Verse 2: Psalm 71: 14-16
CH: “I Wonder as I Wander”
HFT: “My Hope is You” by Third Day
Daily Challenge: Listen to someone today. No, put away the phone, shut the TV off. . .listen.
December 5:
B. C Verse 1: Luke 1: 5-10
A.D Verse 2: Matthew 6:33; Luke 18:27
CH: “O Come All Ye Faithful”
HFT: “How Great Thou Art”, “Lift My Life Up” by Unspoken
Daily Challenge: Write a letter or note today to someone who has made a difference/impacted your life.
December 6:
B. C Verse 1: Luke 1: 11-17
A.D Verse 2: Joshua 1:5-9; Psalm 56: 3-4
CH: “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”
HFT: “We Won’t Be Shaken” by Building 429
Daily Challenge: Become an organ donor. Do it today; don’t put it off for tomorrow.
December 7:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 1: 18-25
A.D Verse 2: Psalm 37: 3-7a; Psalm 20:4
CH: “Good Christian Men, Rejoice”
HFT: “Standing on the Promises” , “What Faith Can Do” by Kutless
Daily Challenge: Be kind/do something kind for someone today whom you generally dislike.
Week 2: Jesus, the Mighty God
Since Jesus is Mighty (with a capital M), He is, in fact, ABLE to do all that He says in His word. He has the power and ability to fulfill all of His promises and all of our needs. Likewise, he is fully God. He is Jesus, who is separate, only, and distinct - apart from all other gods, and yet, in spite of His supremacy, He chose to live among us and as a servant. The evidence of His Might and position is His wisdom in teaching (not only what He taught, but how He taught it) and His miracles. It is evidenced by the fact that He endured temptations and ultimately that He conquered death. And He did all this humbly and selflessly, with a true servant’s heart, so that He could extend grace to us and offer us (who are terminally selfish) a home in heaven with Him.
December 8:
B.C. Verse 1: Luke 1: 26-28
A.D Verse 2: Hebrews 10:35
CH: “Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song)” by Amy Grant
HFT: “Have Thine Own Way” , “I Will Follow” by Chris Tomlin
Daily Challenge: Let someone go in line in front of you today.
December 9:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 1: 18-21
A.D Verse 2: Romans 8: 28, 31
CH: “Mary’s Boy Child”
HFT: “Trust and Obey” , “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns
Daily Challenge: Give someone the benefit of the doubt today. Trust him/her.
December 10:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 1: 22-26
A.D Verse 2: John 14: 21; John 15: 10-11
CH: “Emanuel, God with Us” by Amy Grant
HFT: “God With Us” by MercyMe
Daily Challenge: Cook a meal for someone today, or if you don’t cook, don’t let someone eat alone.
December 11:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 1: 39-45
A.D Verse 2: Galatians 3:14; 1 Peter 3:13
“Away in a Manger”
“10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman
Daily Challenge: Donate something (and not junk you want to unload) today. . .a book, blood, clothes,etc
December 12:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 1:46-56
A.D Verse 2: Psalm 139; Revelations 4: 8b
CH: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
HFT: “Revelation Song” by Phillips, Craig and Dean
Daily Challenge: Adopt a soldier overseas today and sent him/her something – a note, package, etc.
December 13:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 1-5
A.D Verse 2: 2 Corinthians 5:6-7; Isaiah 41:10
CH: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
HFT: “It is Well With my Soul”
Daily Challenge: Complain less today. Every time you feel a “whine” coming on, smile.
December 14:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 6-7
A.D Verse 2: 1 Peter 1:13-16
CH: “Silent Night”
HFT: “He is With Us” by Love and the Outcome
Daily Challenge: Mail a handwritten card or note today to the first person you thought of when you read this.
Week 3: Jesus, the Everlasting Father
Every one of us has one. . .a father, and for good or ill, he has influenced our lives. Our Father is everything a father was intended to be and should be. We can put 100% trust In Him because He is not only able to meet our needs; He is WILLING and wants to meet our needs. Thus, He provides for us, and He cares for and about us. He teaches us about appropriate and inappropriate behavior by setting limits and teaching decision-making by allowing us to experience all consequences, both good and bad. He is tough on the outside, but tender on the inside. Best of all, He loves us no. matter. what. Mistakes and successes alike, His love is the same, unchanging, timeless, and endless.
December 15:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 8-12
A.D Verse 2: John 16: 33
CH: “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”
HFT: “What A Savior” by Laura Story
Daily Challenge: Do something anonymously for someone today who works in a service profession.
December 16:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 13-14
A.D Verse 2: Philippians 2:9-11
CH: “Angels We Have Heard on High”
HFT: “To God Be the Glory”, “He Reigns” by Newsboys
Daily Challenge: Write a specific, positive comment today on someone’s FB wall, Twitter comment, or blog.
December 17:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 15-18
A.D Verse 2: Psalm 9:1b-2; Psalm 40:5
CH: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
HFT: “Amazed” by Kutless
Daily Challenge: Spend some time at an animal shelter today or make a donation ($ or goods) to one.
December 18:
B.C Verse 1: Luke 2: 19-20
A.D Verse 2: Philippians 1: 9-11
CH: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
HFT: “All This Time” by Britt Nicole
Daily Challenge: Do something for a neighbor today.
December 19:
B.C Verse 1: Micah 5: 2-5
A.D Verse 2: John 21: 15-19
CH: “Little Drummer Boy”
HFT: “Savior, Like a Shepherd”
Daily Challenge: Replace what you use today (Ex. New toilet paper roll, a replacement soda or water, copy paper)
December 20:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 2: 1-2
A.D Verse 2: Psalm 43:3; Romans 13:12
CH: “We Three Kings”
HFT: “The Light in Me” by Brandon Heath
Daily Challenge: Pick up trash today; put recyclable items in the proper containers.
December 21:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 2: 3-6
A.D Verse 2: Hebrews 13: 20; 1 Peter 5:4; John 10: 11-16
CH: “O Worship the King”
HFT: “Father Blessed Father” by Newsboys
Daily Challenge: Give someone elderly a gift today. . .a visit, play music for him/her, read to him/her.
Week 4: Jesus, the Prince of Peace
Just as a prince is a member of the royal family, the Prince is fully God, and yet, He makes it possible for us to be friends with the King through the Holy Spirit. He wants to show us and help us to be on God’s “good” side – how to please the King. Likewise, as the embodiment of Peace, He brings calm in life’s trials, helps us to reconcile with each other, and is the ultimate end to ALL conflicts. He will restore His Peace, and that is ultimately what we anticipate.
December 22:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 2: 7-8
A.D Verse 2: I Peter 1: 3-7
CH: “Do You Hear What I Hear”
HFT: “Overcomer” by Mandisa
Daily Challenge: Pay it forward today. You and God decide together what it is.
December 23:
B.C Verse 1: Matthew 2: 9-12
A.D Verse 2: Romans 12: 4-8
CH: “Christmas Shoes”
HFT: “Live Like That” by Sidewalk Prophets
Daily Challenge: Volunteer. No more talking about doing it. No more thinking about it. Pick an organization or task today and commit to it. Tell someone else whom you know will help you be accountable.
December 24:
B.C Verse 1: John 1:14
A.D Verse 2: Ephesians 2:8-10 and 5:8-10
CH: “O Holy Night”
HFT: ”Holy Holy Holy” , “O Praise Him” by David Crowder Band
Daily Challenge: Go to church tonight. When there, be there. Discipline your mind to celebrate Christ’s birth. Don’t worry about dinner, gifts, or relatives. Before you leave, hug someone, and don’t let go until s/he does.
Missy Aaker
22 November 2013